Together with our owner KGK, we offer the market's best spare parts, accessories, tools, training, and services for the automotive industry.


With our partnership in the Big Group, we offer a wide range of tools, machinery, workwear, and protective equipment, along with flexible customer solutions and industry-specific training for the entire industrial sector.


Modern setups

Invest without tying up your capitol

We offer flexible financing solutions with Laitis+ in the form of leasing or rental, where you as a customer can easily manage costs with minimal administration.


Bilden visar en verkstad som har dyr utrustning som kan finansieras med hyra eller leasing


Leasing – For equipment with a long lifespan

Leasing is a financing solution that suits equipment with a long lifespan, where upgrades occur at long intervals. As a customer, you can invest in new equipment without tying up all your capital in expensive machinery.

Invest in new equipment without tying up capital

  • With leasing, you can future-proof your investment and easily upgrade the equipment during the contract period. It also allows you to budget profitability per item, and the fee is 100% tax-deductible.
  • When the contract period ends, you can purchase the equipment at the predetermined residual value, designate another buyer, or extend the agreement.



Renting – For equipment with regular updates

Renting is an advantageous solution for equipment that requires regular updates due to rapid technological advancements. With our rental agreements, such as for 36 months, you as a customer can easily upgrade the equipment with an almost unchanged monthly cost. This way, you stay constantly updated with the latest technology while easily budgeting for your expenses.


  • If you wish to keep the same equipment longer than initially planned, we provide you with the option to extend the agreement. Alternatively, you can choose to return the equipment or purchase it at market price at the end of the agreement. All these options are based on our mutual agreement, offering you flexibility in managing your equipment.

Replace™ Insurance

In the worse case scenario

Many people discover that their business insurance covers only a small portion of the damage. Especially for rented and leased equipment, it may even be the case that insurance covers nothing at all. Replace™ is designed for rented or leased property with highly favorable terms compared to standard business insurance.

*Replace Terms in Brief:

  • All-risk insurance including “drulle” (coverage for accidents)
  • Low deductible – starting from 0 SEK
  • High compensation level, no age deduction
  • Equipment damage protection, i.e., protection against damage from within
  • Quick processing time

Note! Deviating terms and deductible levels may occur. Contact to inquire about the terms that apply to your property and for the complete insurance conditions.


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